Word of the Week


/ in·​im·​i·​cal | \ i-ˈni-mi-kəl \ Definition of inimical 1: being adverse often by reason of hostility or malevolence forces inimical to democracy 2a: having the disposition of an enemy : HOSTILE inimical factions b: reflecting or indicating hostility : UNFRIENDLY his father's inimical glare



There are 11 pathways to choose from:Dynamic Leadership, Effective Coaching, Engaging Humor, Innovative Planning, Leadership Development, Motivational Strategies, Persuasive Influence, Presentation Mastery, Strategic Relationship, Team Collaboration, and Visionary Communication.

Meeting Time

Meeting Time: Bi-weekly meetings 12:00-1:00 PM PT Thursday Meetings are hybrid.

Address: 279 E Grand Ave. 5th Floor, South San Francisco, CA 94080

Toastmasters Officers

Toastmasters President

The President presides at meetings of the Club, has general supervision of the operations of the Club. Serves as one of the Club's representatives on Area and District Councils.

Vice President Education

Second ranking officer of Club. Plans and directs club programs which meet the educational needs of the Club members. Plans and publishes regular schedules of meeting assignments. Keeps track of member's progress towards goals. Serves as one of the Club's representatives on Area and District Councils.

Vice President Membership

Third ranking officer. Plans and directs programs to retain and increase club membership. Serves as one of the Club's representatives on Area and District Councils.

Vice President Public Relations

The Vice President Public Relations is the fourth ranking club officer and is responsible for developing and directing a publicity program that informs individual members and the general public about Toastmasters International. The Vice President Public Relations chairs the Public Relations Committee.


The Secretary is responsible for Club records and correspondence. Maintains the club roster. Has custody of the Club’s charter, Constitution, Bylaws, and all other records and documents of the club. Keeps an accurate record of the meetings and activities of the Club.


The Treasurer is responsible for Club financial policies, procedures and controls. Collects dues and pays dues to Toastmasters International, and maintains records. Makes financial reports to the Club at least quarterly. Receives and disburses, with approval of the Club, all Club funds.

Sergeant at Arms

The Club Sergeant at Arms is responsible for club property management, meeting room preparation, and hospitality. The Sergeant at Arms chairs the Social and Reception Committee.